Mona Lisa, Eiffel Tower, and Sushi

girl with Mona Lisa

After an eight or nine hour car ride and around a one mile walk we relaxed in the apartment. It had two kitchens and two bathrooms with three bedrooms. It reminded me a lot of where we stayed in Stockholm. We woke up and we immediately set out to go to the Louvre. I got my picture with the Mona Lisa! I also went to a room full of statues. girl posing in front of statueWe posed like some of them and we took pictures. Other people looked at us and thought what we were doing was really cool. I thought Gianna’s pose was the best. We also saw a lot of other paintings from so many different artists.

Then we had lunch. I had couscous and a tictac. Then we wanted to see a new place in the Louvre and we got lost. We found our way out and started to head to an ice cream shop that Mama and Da went to when they went to Paris. It was closed so we went to a place next door and I got a banana split. The next day we set off to see the Eiffel Tower. We did not go up in it, but we took lots of pictures. Eiffel Tower

Later, we walked to the line to the catacombs. There was a very long line. We waited and waited, but we did not get in. So we went to an AMAZING sushi place. We got a boat with so many different types of sushi.

family at sushi restaurant

General Information

Where we were.

{{ }} starting {{last_loc.whence | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}

Where we are.

{{ }} since {{current_loc.whence | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}

Where we're going.

{{ }} on {{next_loc.whence | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}